Prva revizija d.o.o. - Belgrade

Company for auditing, accounting and consulting

Prva revizija doo Belgrade performs the registered activity in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Finance No. 023-02-181/2011-16 from May 11, 2011 of issuing the license for performing audits, by the Decision of the Chamber of Certified Auditors no. 707/11 from June 30, 2011 on the registration in the Register of Audit Companies conducted by the Chamber of Certified Auditors and the Decision of the Ministry of Finance No. 023-02-287 / 2011-16 on the registration in the Register of Audit Companies conducted by the Ministry of Finance. For the purpose of harmonization with the Auditing Law (Official Gazette 62/13), by Decision of the Ministry of Finance no. 401-00-2396/2014-16 from July 23, 2014, a new license for performing audit work was issued.

Prva revizija doo Belgrade is licensed to perform audit of the financial statements of joint stock companies whose shares are traded by the MTP method, in accordance with the Decision of the Securities Commission.

Our auditors gained experience in the audit since 2004, when the International Accounting Standards were introduced in Serbia at the time when the Accounting and Auditing Law was introduced and when the audit obligation for medium-sized enterprises was introduced for the first time, which is also considered to be the beginning of a serious audit practice in our country.

Fully proffesional and precise

Prva revizija d.o.o. - Belgrade

We used the rich experience from audits in various activities, such as production, trade, construction, service, public companies, non-governmental organizations, etc. to develop our own methodology, which incorporates all the requirements of the International Standards on Auditing, International Standards for Related Services and the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountancy Experts, and is adapted to the business conditions in the Republic of Serbia.

Our commitment to internally develop our methodology arose from our vision to be synonymous with a company that constantly sets up more standards in the field of auditing, accounting and consulting and who have chosen not to follow the trends, but to anticipate and create them. We want to be synonymous with a company that operates in the spirit of the time to come.

Prva revizija d.o.o. Belgrade is a company in continuous development and our mission is to meet the needs of our clients for timely and accurate information, improve their work processes that further lead to the satisfaction of their consumers, ensure a better quality of life and meet social needs, creating a healthy business environment. Our goal is to improve our clients' business with the audit of our financial statements, and thus through their progress we achieve our development, with the desire not to be the biggest, but the best.





How to get Prva revizija?

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Contact persons

Director: Milanka Ristic, certified auditor 069 / 00-13-920

Audit Manager: Veljko Topalović, certified auditor - court expert 063/87-17-202

Audit Manager: Miloš Cvetić, Certified Auditor 061/11-68-782


Prva revizija d.o.o. - Belgrade

Adress:Save Maskovica 3/10
Phone: 011 24 67 334 ; 011 41 40 418
Fax: 011 24 67 334
